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NEW RELEASE: Spirit Embraced
“It is time to let go of all that holds you back from
radiating your brilliance into the world.
It is time to surrender all the old habits, and mindsets that have
constricted you, made you smaller than who you really are.
As you release all that does not support your growth and healing,
space will open up allowing you to stretch towards
your most authentic and free self.”
– Kim Colella
Spirit Whispers
Affirmation Card Deck
These cards will help you connect to the center of your being, where you are loved, safe, powerful and whole. Each card invites you to embody your Self and to bring your true Spirit into the world.
Praise for Spirit Embraced:
How does one move from a fear-based life to fully living from one’s authentic core? In her book Spirit Embraced Colella shares how she wrestles with her own history and insecurities and comes out the victor.
Each chapter is in three parts: a personal story, a spiritual tool, and a soul psalm from her journal. In her personal stories, she shares the traumas of childhood, adult learnings, and her present life of joy and gratitude. This book is a powerful testament to Spirit’s movement in one’s life—if only we listen. Colella listened and embraced Spirit’s whispers. Read more “”
Here is a book for all those who feel tentative and a little unworthy about pursuing the depths of the spiritual journey. Through sharing her own honest experience of seeking God, Kim invites and guides us to discover and embrace the Divine that lives within our own whole and holy self – ultimately a journey from pain, to letting go, to trusting, to joy! Affirming, authentic and transformative!
A true glimpse into a life lived courageously, intently following what makes a heart sing. Kim’s journey demonstrates the possibility of the souls evolution which she reminds us is available to each and every one.